$A breaks below 70 US cents on China data

CURRENCY STOCK The Australian dollar has broken below 70 US cents for the first time in more than six years, after disappointing Chinese manufacturing data shook market confidence.

The Aussie momentarily dipped to 69.99 US cents at 0950 AEST on Wednesday, the lowest level since April 2009, before rebounding to hover just above 70 US cents.

Easy Forex currency dealer Andreas Tjahja said the Chinese data offered more evidence that its industrial machine is stalling, rattling global equities.

“A lot of it is risk aversion, equity markets are shaky at the moment,” he said.

US, Asian and European stocks tumbled overnight after China’s index of manufacturing activity came in at 49.7 in August, its lowest in three years.

The Australian share market fell more than two per cent on Tuesday after the data was released, and was more than one per cent lower in early trade on Wednesday.


Lucky Peach Lamb Burgers

06mag-06eat-t_CA0-articleLarge Peter Meehan, the sly genius who edits “Lucky Peach,” developed this dish for the magazine’s forthcoming cookbook, “101 Easy Asian Recipes.” I make it on a flat-top griddle set over a grill, but the method works equally well on your kitchen stove. The burgers are a take on a dish served in Xi’an, the capital city of Shaanxi province in northwestern China, at the easternmost
