
I don’t know whether the allegations from Gretchen are true, but it’s rather funny they only came out after she was fired.

Megyn Kelly, who Ailes personally made famous, has also reportedly backstabbed him — much like she was ordered to do with Donald Trump during the Fox Debates — which you can guarantee Ailes supported.

Drudge is reporting Megyn Kelly’s complaint against Ailes is that in 2006 she “did not like the way he hugged her.”

He’s also reporting a bunch of hosts are potentially leaving the network:

Odds are the network will shift further left post-Ailes, especially if these old hand hosts leave.

Rupert Murdoch himself is one of the biggest supporters of open borders in the world. Fox News is pretty much the only Murdoch publication which is somewhat anti-immigration.

Every time I turn on O’Reilly these days I hear him opening his show by going over black crime stats and ranting about how the UK is becoming Pakistan.

The network as led by O’Reilly and Hannity has been shifting to the right lately, Megyn Kelly on the other hand seems to spend all her shows interviewing social justice warriors andtalking with Michael Moore.