Engineering firm sues China City over unpaid fees

China City's proposed international college and cultural center has not received any municipal approvals since it was first proposed in 2013.

China City of America is being sued by another former client for unpaid fees. This time it’s an engineering firm asking for approximately $135,000, according to a verified complaint filed in Sullivan County State Supreme Court.

Keystone Associates, Architects, Engineers and Surveyors of Binghamton claims China City hasn’t paid its last invoice dated Aug. 18, 2014, for more than $35,000 with interest, according to the complaint filed Feb. 18. Keystone also asked for an additional $100,000 for “loss of profits from the suspension” of the retainer agreement it reached with China City in February 2013.

The complaint said Keystone ‘‘provided engineering, surveying and representation before the Town of Thompson Planning Board” for China City’s proposed international college and cultural center. The project, also called the Thompson Education Center, has not received any municipal approvals since it was first proposed in 2013.

Steven Kurlander, Keystone Associates’ Monticello-based attorney, declined to comment on when the retainer agreement between China City and Keystone Associates ended.