90% Of Americans Said 2015 Was Not Better Than 2014

As we commented earlier, we apologize, but 2015 had so many negatives that we’re having trouble seeing the positives. It’s like we’re on the Titanic, and it’s tilting at an 85-degree angle with its propellers way up in the air, and we’re dangling over the cold Atlantic trying to tell ourselves: “At least there’s no waiting for the shuffleboard courts!”

Are we saying that 2015 was the worst year ever? Are we saying it was worse than, for example, 1347, the year when the Bubonic Plague killed a large part of humanity?

Yes, we are saying that. Because at least the remainder of humanity was not exposed to a solid week in which the news media focused intensively on the question of whether a leading candidate for president of the United States had, or had not, made an explicit reference to a prominent female TV journalist’s biological lady cycle.




The new Associated Press-Times Square Alliance poll mass shootings and terror attacks weighed heavily on the minds of Americans in 2015, revealing that most polled believe this year was worse than 2014. But, for the world,while its leaders potter around proclaiming the solution to climate change, it appears that is near the bottom of people’s fears… 

90% Of Americans Said 2015 Was Not Better Than 2014

Fall 2015 Android phone preview

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In this ever-changing world of Android, it can be hard to keep up with what’s going on. There are new rumors sprouting up almost every other day, generating buzz for phones that even we didn’t see coming.

To keep up with all the hearsay, we put together a helpful listing of all the Android phones we’re expecting to see in the coming months. Some will be here sooner than you can read through this entire page, while others we’re expecting to arrive as late as October.
