Android M: All the little things

The app drawer gets an overhaul in Android M. First off, it’s now a scrollable pane rather than a series of pages. Also, apps are grouped by which letter of the alphabet they start with, which makes it a little easier to find the app you’re looking for. These changes may be a bit jarring for long-time Android users, but they’ll make finding apps that much easier for everyone else.

Fall 2015 Android phone preview

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In this ever-changing world of Android, it can be hard to keep up with what’s going on. There are new rumors sprouting up almost every other day, generating buzz for phones that even we didn’t see coming.

To keep up with all the hearsay, we put together a helpful listing of all the Android phones we’re expecting to see in the coming months. Some will be here sooner than you can read through this entire page, while others we’re expecting to arrive as late as October.