Renaming Schizophrenia Could Combat Stigma And Help Patients Recover

Voice within us

The stigma that surrounds mental illness is not only insulting to the roughly one-quarter of the world’s population that has one, it can also negatively impact their willingness to seek help and their recovery.

But perhaps no mental illness is more stigmatized than schizophrenia, a devastating ailment that affects around 1 percent of the general population. The poorly understood condition is characterized by symptoms including delusions, hallucination, abnormal social behavior, paranoia and cognitive impairments.

The term “schizophrenia” itself tends to call to mind split personalities, disturbing imaginary voices and visions, and violent outbursts, according to health advocates including Brian Semple of the British non-profit Rethink Mental Illness.

Tags: Schizophrenia, Psychosis, Psychosis Spectrum Disorder, Schizophrenia Research, Mental Illness,Stronger Together, Schizophrenia Spectrum, Schizophrenia Stigma, Mental Illness Stigma, Reclassifying Schizophrenia, Dsm 5, Power Of Humanity

Omega-3 may block psychosis years later, study finds


Up to seven years after taking omega-3 supplements for 12 weeks, at “ultra-high” risk were less likely to have suffered the debilitating condition than a given a placebo, reported the study.

Schizophrenia is characterised by delusions and hallucinations, including hearing voices and seeing things that do not really exist.

It typically emerges during adolescence or , either abruptly or gradually. There is no cure. Current treatment focuses on managing symptoms.