
A new generation has discovered one more, experts say: expressing their personalities in an increasingly online world.

Siôn Hamilton, the trading director of Foyles bookshop, said he had noticed a tendency for people to want to reflect their musical and reading tastes at home, retreating from the digital age to embrace physical objects again.

Study: Doctors Don’t Take Mental Health As Seriously As Physical Health

Lonely thoughtful girl

It’s 2016, and the stigma attached to mental illness is infuriatingly still alive and well.

Negative stereotypes deeply affect those with mental health conditions and may even discourage them from getting proper medical treatment. And now research suggests this stigma even creates an unconscious bias among medical professionals.

The study, published in the journal Health Affairs earlier this week, found that doctors neglect to follow up with their patients who have a depression diagnosis. They also are less likely to help depression patients manage their illnesses. Meanwhile, these doctors are more likely to engage in care strategies with patients who have chronic physical illnesses like diabetes.

The researchers used survey results from a thousand U.S. primary care facilities, taken between 2006 and 2013, to examine doctors’ strategies for treating patients with depression compared to those used to treat congestive heart failure, asthma and diabetes.

While those with physical ailments were treated with the proper protocol outlined for a chronic condition — such as doctors teaching patients about their conditions and reminding them about their specific treatment plans — those with depression didn’t receive the same level of care, as NPR reports.

The findings are unsettling because many patients seek treatment for depression from their primary care doctors. This is usually due to health insurance limitations and the stigma attached to seeing a specialized mental health professional. Interestingly enough, insurance issues are part of the reason why the study found a lack of depression care management from primary doctors in the first place, according to NPR. Time constraints were another reason.

Experts are increasingly recommending that clinicians do depression screeningsduring a person’s regular physical exam. While that’s a good start, it hardly guarantees followup care at the basic level. Instead, followups are left up to mental health specialists in the healthcare hierarchy, which once again, isn’t always an option for some people.

Tags: Depression, Mental Health, Stronger Together, Treating Depression, Mental Illness

Lines Around the Block to Buy Gold in London…Banks Placing “Unusually Large Orders for Physical”


First, let’s look at the improved fundamentals. Gold bugs will exasperatingly proclaim that fundamentals have been great for the past four years yet the price plunged anyway, so who cares about fundamentals? To this I would respond with two observations. First, large institutional investors and sovereign wealth funds have been anticipating a rate hike cycle for a very long time now. They didn’t know when, but they expected it. The fact that the gold bugs never believed this is irrelevant; what matters is that big money believed it, and it was perceived to be very gold negative. In their minds, this anticipated rate hike cycle would confirm that things were getting back to normal, and if things are normal you don’t need to own gold, right?