Congressional leaders gear up for broad tax reform push


TAGS: Rob Portman, Charles Schumer, Paul Ryan, Tax reform

By making several big-ticket tax breaks permanent, the tax-writing panels will be less distracted by the annual or biannual task of putting together a package extending expiring tax provisions.

“The things that people focused on before, ‘Just pass my little piece, pass my little piece,’ have pretty much been done or rejected and now we can move forward on the big picture,” said Sen. Charles Schumer (N.Y.), a senior member of the Finance Committee, who is expected to become the Senate Democratic leader in 2017.

“This will set the stage. We’re going to have a lower baseline, we’ll have a better chance to do comprehensive tax reform,” said Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah).

Hatch said he wants to reduce the overall size of the tax code, a topic that has been popular amongst Republican presidential candidates in recent years.

“First of all, we’ve got to take a look at the code itself. You’re talking about 70,000 pages and we got to skinny that down to where people can understand it,” Hatch said.