Universities are using data analytics to assess a students mental health and much more

Currently there are 150 universities in the U.S. using “Skyfactor” which monitors and assesses a students tests scores. Schools are also assessing how “COOPERATIVE” your parents are!

“Skyfactor advertises itself as a risk management service, promising to help academics “quickly see which students need attention and resources now — before it’s too late”. Course tutors are given access to a dashboard that documents each student’s class attendances, assessment grades, participation in sports practices, and visits to the campus financial aid officer. “

A door icon placed next to each students name, is either closed or open. If the icon is “closed” it means the student isn’t likely to leave the institution early, but if the icon is “open” then the school could lose thousands of dollars if he or she leaves the institution!

Skyfactor also monitors EVERY students grades, if their high grades drop, or their passion for university sports begins to wane,Skyfactor will flag these individuals in red.
