Syrians in Lubbock: Americans should screen but welcome refugees

Mohamad Chairy, a Syrian refugee, on Wednesday, Dec. 9, 2015 at the Islamic Center of the South Plains in Lubbock, Texas. Chairy moved to Lubbock in 2014, while his family lives in Lebanon because they were not granted asylum. (Brad Tollefson / A-J Media)  Brad Tollefson

Only a few Muslims are dangerous extremists, and Syrian refugees are in the most danger from those extremists.

That was a core message some Syrians in Lubbock shared last week as they acknowledged some Americans’ fears of bringing in refugees.

But, when asked by A-J Media for their take on a solution, they urged Americans to be welcoming to people in need while continuing safeguards to screen refugees.

‘It was a good life … not anymore’