
The ADL press release shared yesterday urged Trump “to reconsider his use of the phrase ‘America First’,” saying it was used by so-called anti-Semites “seeking to keep the nation out of World War II.”

“The most noteworthy leader of the ‘America First Committee’ was Charles Lindbergh,” the ADL said, “who sympathized with the Nazis and whose rhetoric was characterized by anti-Semitism and offensive stereotypes.”

Incidentally, the hysterical Bloomberg columnist Eli Lake we reported on yesterdaytook almost the exact same angle in his column, saying Trump using the term “America First” was reminiscent of the “Nazi era.”



Swedish Greens jolted by claims of Islamist infiltration

One refused to shake hands with a female journalist. Another compared Israel to Nazi Germany. A third was seen doing hand signs associated with Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood in the background of a live TV broadcast.

The behavior of some Muslim members of Sweden’s Green Party, which is part of a coalition government since 2014, has sparked concerns that the small environmentalist group may have been infiltrated by Islamists.

It also has triggered a wider discussion about whether Sweden has tried so hard to be inclusive and tolerant toward migrants that it’s failed to stand up for its own feminist ideals.

“In our eagerness to embrace a diverse and multicultural society, we have turned a blind eye to undemocratic views,” said Gulan Avci, a Stockholm city councilwoman for the Liberals, a center-right opposition party.

Green Party leaders said Monday there’s no evidence of Islamists influencing party policies, but admitted the party needs a “reset” with greater focus on environmental issues.

The party’s problems started when Housing Minister Mehmet Kaplan, a Green Party member and former leader of a Swedish Muslim youth group, resigned last week after media reports that he had contacts with ultra-nationalists and Islamists in his native Turkey. Though he denied any wrongdoing and the party leadership defended him until the end, he stepped down when a video surfaced of Kaplan comparing Israel’s treatment of Palestinians to how the Nazis persecuted Jews.

Trying to cool things down, Green Party co-leader Asa Romson only made them worse when she went off on a bizarre tangent in a TV interview, describing the Sept. 11 attacks as “accidents.” She later clarified that she condemns the attacks.



After condemning violence at his campaign assemblies during the CNN debate in Miami, Trump went on to criticize the media and in particular the Today Show for suggesting his supporters were signaling a Nazi salute.

Here’s the transcript via CNN:

TRUMP: It shows the total dishonesty of the press. We were having — on a few occasions, again massive crowds. And we’re talking and I’m saying who is going to vote on Tuesday? Who is going to vote? The place goes crazy. Then I say, hey, do me a favor. Raise your right hand. Do you swear you’re going to vote for Donald Trump?

Everyone’s laughing, we’re all having a good time. That’s why I have much bigger crowds than Ted, because we have a good time at mine.

TRUMP: But we’re all having a good time and the next day, on the Today Show and a couple of other place, not too many. Because when you look at it, everyone’s smiling, laughing. Their arms are raised like this. They had pictures, still pictures of people and they tried to equate it to Nazi Germany.


It is a disgrace. It was a total disgrace. And I’ve had reporters, people that you know, come up to me and said that — what they did on the Today Show was a disgrace.



World leaders waste millions on luxury air travel to convene at the United Nations climate talks in Paris in efforts to convince the world of the eminent dangers posed by so-called “man-made global warming.”

Climate Nazis Push for World Gov’t