
The trove of “letters, memos, a draft speech and other materials… are set for release in July” by the National Archives and Records Administration unless President Obama or former President George W. Bush object, reports Politico.

“Additional records include vetting materials, emails related to scheduled events, a phone message, a press briefing on Turkey, a register of Frederick Law Olmsted’s papers at the Library of Congress, requests for comments from the press, and a request for Vice President Richard B. Cheney to attend William F. Buckley’s memorial service,” the FOIA states.

Founded in 1832, the secret society has been a gateway for the elite and boasts three US presidents, with other members taking up prominent roles in state and federal governments, the intelligence community, academia, industry and finance.

In 2004, for instance, both Democrat and Republican presidential candidates, John F. Kerry and George W. Bush, were members of the Yale fraternity. George W’s father, George H.W. Bush, and his grandfather, Prescott Bush, were also members.

Fukushima: Hundreds of Radiation-Related Cancer Cases on the Way in Japan

1016022277 The highest incidence rate ratio, using a latency period of 4 years, was observed in the central middle district of the prefecture compared with the Japanese annual incidence (incidence rate ratio = 50; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 25, 90),” the report read.

Tickell noted that during a first screening for thyroid cancer held four years after the Fukushima catastrophe among 298,577 youths, the disease was registered 50 times more frequently among those who lived in the most heavily irradiated zones than among other Japanese youth.

During a second screening carried out in April 2014 among 106,068 young people who lived in less contaminated areas of the Fukushima prefecture, the disease was 12 times more common than for the main population.

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