
But a new lawsuit claims the trooper — who was sued once before for preaching on the job — didn’t learn his lesson the first time.

A complaint filed in federal court Tuesday by the American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana, on behalf of Wendy Pyle, accuses Hamilton of asking her whether “she had been saved” after pulling her over in Fayette County in January. Court documents claim Hamilton then told the woman about his church and gave her directions to it.

“Ms. Pyle was extremely uncomfortable with these questions,” the lawsuit says. “In order to hopefully end these inquiries Ms. Pyle indicated that she did attend a church and that she was saved.”


Colorado School Bans The Words ‘Lord,’ ‘God,’ or ‘Jesus’

cross-e1439240566531 Everything from “Give ‘Em Hell” to “OK Gentlemen, it’s time to gird your loins” has been approved by the university, which receives public funding. But when Lucas submitted two Bible verses for his nameplate, he says the school refused, saying the words “Lord,” “God,” or “Jesus” cannot be on the nameplates. On top of that, he said Bible verses that include those words are also banned.

Lucas wanted Colossians 3:23 and Micah 5:9 on his donor plate, just the verse citations, not the actual text of the verse.

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121614bibleMichael Lucas donated $2,500 to the Colorado School of Mines for a new athletic facility. In exchange for the donation, the school allows donors to have whatever they like inscribed on a nameplate that will go in the football locker room.

Everything from “Give ‘Em Hell” to “OK Gentlemen, it’s time to gird your loins” has been approved by the university, which receives public funding. But when Lucas submitted two Bible verses for his nameplate, he says the school refused, saying the words “Lord,” “God,” or “Jesus” cannot be on the nameplates. On top of that, he said Bible verses that include those words are also banned.

Lucas wanted Colossians 3:23 and Micah 5:9 on his donor plate, just the verse citations, not the actual text of the verse.