Compound Found In Tarantula Venom May Help People Dealing With Chronic Pain

It’s one of the most feared creatures out there, the tarantula.

As it turns out, a compound found in the spider’s venom could serve as apowerful painkiller and could offer an alternative to conventional painkillers which can have nasty side effects.

One challenge for scientists is to isolate the painkilling peptides from the toxins that can paralyze and kill a tarantula’s prey, but if they succeed, tarantula venom could be used to take the sting out of pain.

Connecticut ends chronic homelessness among veterans

635763590628542713-AP-28235430558 In June, officials in Houston announced they had effectively ended veteran homelessness in their city through a series of new support services and housing initiatives. Earlier in the year, leaders in New Orleans, Salt Lake City and Phoenix announced similar success.

VA officials six years ago announced plans to end chronic veterans homelessness across America by the end of 2015, and to put in place a nationwide network of aid programs to ensure struggling veterans are put in new homes within days of facing housing problems.

McDonald called the issue “an ongoing challenge” for the country, even as the number of homeless veterans continues to drop.