Trump: ‘I would be so angry’ at Obama if I were black

“I’ll do more in one year, I will do more for the African-American people in one year than Barack Obama has done in his seven year, soon to be eight years. And then, by the way, he’s out, and thank goodness,” he added.

Trump also suggested he would win over a surprising number of Democrats in a general election.

“By the way, we’re going to have a tremendous crossover vote, you watch,” he said. “But you know what? We’re going to have a tremendous crossover vote. People have no idea.”

Pharma Bro’ Martin Shkreli Disavows Tweet Supporting Jeb Bush


Martin Shkreli, the disgraced ex-CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals, said on Saturday evening that a tweet from his account expressing support for Jeb Bush was not made by him, but by a woman with whom he was on a date.

“My date made the tweet about Jeb Bush as a joke,” Shkreli tweeted. “I don’t follow politics except for having a profound hatred for all politicians.”

Shkreli is known as “Pharma Bro” for jacking up the price of the rare, life-saving medication Daraprim — and then expressing no remorse about it. He was indictedfor securities fraud on Dec. 17.

Tags:  Pharma Bro Martin Shkreli Disavows Support For Jeb Bush, Martin Shkreli Jeb Bush, Pharma Bro Martin Shkreli, Jeb Bush, Jeb Bush 2016, GOP Primary