Sugar found in ketchup and Coke linked to breast cancer

Patient having breast scan in hospital

A common sugar found in drinks such as Coke and food like ketchup, cereal bars and biscuits could be driving breast cancer, scientists warn.

The high-sugar Western diet may increase the risk of breast cancer and the potential for that cancer to spread to the lungs, the new study suggests.


Researchers found that when mice were given a sucrose-rich diet, similar to our own diet in the West, the mice showed increased levels of tumour growth and metastasis, when the cancer spreads.

More Men With Breast Cancer Opting for Double Mastectomies

HT_brett_miller_hair_loss_jt_150902_4x3_992 (1)A pool manager at the time, Miller, now 29, worried how he would look, saying, “It would have made me feel awkward and not make me want to be around a pool anymore.”

He’d planned to postpone the second mastectomy for a month so he could recover from the first. But the day before his initial surgery in 2010, Miller’s physician told him that after consulting another doctor they would stick with a single mastectomy because he should not be treated exactly like female patients.