Today former Governor Mitt Romney announced that he thinks there will be a “bombshell” buried within Trump’s back taxes. This announcement corresponds directly with Trump insider Roger Stone’s prediction that after Trump wins Nevada the Republicans will attack his finances and associate him with the mob.


GOP candidates keep warning of an EMP attack. Here’s what that is.


What do the James Bond film “A View To A Kill,” the dystopian John Carpenter flick “Escape from L.A.,” and the grisly, made-for-TV movie “The Day After” have in common with the battle for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination? All have raised, to varying degrees, the possibility that an enemy of America could unleash a devastating electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack that would fry U.S. electronics.

Last week, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush became the latest GOP White House hopeful to express his concerns about what he called the “scary as crap” possibility of an EMP strike on the U.S.

In an interview with Politico, Bush described a back-and-forth on the subject with a woman at a town hall-style meeting in Concord, N.H.

“She said, ‘I’m worried about EMPs. Are you?’” he recalled in the interview. “I had just read an article about electromagnetic pulse and [how it could] take out the grid. It’s scary as crap. It’s one of the scariest things that could happen.”

It’s not often you hear a presidential candidate describe something as “scary as crap.” Not in public, anyway. But Bush is hardly the first 2016 hopeful to declare himself worried about EMPs — Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, former neurosurgeon Ben Carson, former senator Rick Santorum and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee have all weighed in.


GOP candidates side with Saudi Arabia over Iran in dispute


Saudi Arabia severed ties with Iran after the Saudi embassy in Tehran was set on fire by protesters over the weekend. The demonstrations were sparked when Saudi Arabia executed 46 people, including a prominent Shia cleric. Other countries, like Bahrain and Sudan have followed suit, and the United Arab Emirates has downgraded ties.

Christie, in an interview with Bloomberg Politics’ “With All Due Respect” on Monday, said multiple times that he has no sympathy for Iran.

Even though Saudi Arabia’s “human rights record leaves something to be desired,” the New Jersey governor said the U.S. still needs to be working “with our friends to make sure that we’re trying to have a positive influence on their human rights records inside their own country while not letting that dominate the geopolitical relationship we need to have with the Saudi government.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/01/republicans-saudi-arabia-iran-217341#ixzz3wKCpg5Ik



Speaking to reporters in Iowa, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz said he hoped that the protesters would step aside, adding that “our prayers right now are with everyone involved in what’s happening with Oregon, and especially those in law enforcement that are risking their lives.”

“Every one of us has a constitutional right to protest, to speak our minds. But we don’t have a constitutional right to use force and violence and to threaten force and violence on others,” he said. “And so it is our hope that the protesters there will stand down peaceably, that there will not be a violent confrontation.”

2 GOP candidates call for end to armed standoff at Oregon refuge