How Trump plans to build, and pay for, a wall along U.S.-Mexico border

A 2006 federal law required a double-layered fence along hundreds of miles of the U.S.-Mexico border. But that law has since undergone significant changes. (U.S Fish & Wildlife Service photo)

The boldest promise of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign was also one of his first.

“I would build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me, and I’ll build them very inexpensively,” Trump said, announcing his candidacy on June 16, 2015. “I will build a great, great wall on our southern border. And I will have Mexico pay for that wall.”

The big question, now that Trump is the Republican nominee, is how he would do it if elected president.  At the Democratic National Convention, Sen. Elizabeth Warren derided the wall promise, saying it’s never going to happen.

PolitiFact examined the logistics of Trump’s signature promise, interviewing immigration experts about the specifics of his proposal and possible challenges.


Leaked Document Shows Trump Does Actually Plan to Build a Wall

Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, an expert on border security and legal immigration, met with Trump on Sunday in New Jersey.

Kobach was holding a file of papers, one of which was snapped by a media photographer from a distance. It is entitled “Department of Homeland Security Kobach Strategic Plan For First 365 Days”.

When zoomed in, the paper reads that “in addition to 386 miles of existing wall” there is a further “1989 miles planned for rapid build.”

According to Trump’s past statements, the total length of the wall wouldn’t need to run the whole 2,000 miles of the border due to natural barriers. It now appears that his border wall plan will cover the entire length of the border and may even overcompensate.


DHS (1)

In FY 2015, of…nearly 45 million nonimmigrant visitors, DHS calculated a total overstay rate of 1.17 percent, or 527,127 individuals,” DHS officials said in a joint statement submitted to the House Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security, which held a hearing on “Overstaying Their Welcome: National Risks Posed by Visa Overstays.”

Some visitors stayed beyond their authorized visit, but left the country by Jan. 4, 2016, reducing the suspected overstays to 416,500, the statement continued.

In January, DHS released its first Entry/Exit Overstay Report, which contains data on visa overstays, defined as “a nonimmigrant who was lawfully admitted to the United States for an authorized period but stayed in the United States beyond his or her lawful admission period.”


Heidi Cruz opened up a potential line of attack for Donald Trump on Saturday when she told a campaign crowd in Indiana that her husband can unify the Republican party because he is an immigrant.


Fears of Trump drive immigrants to become citizens


On a recent Saturday morning in South Florida, 50-year-old Edgar Ospina stood in a long line of immigrants to take the first step to become an American.

Ospina has spent almost half his life in the U.S. after emigrating from his native Colombia, becoming eligible for citizenship in 1990. But with Donald Trump becoming a more likely presidential nominee by the day, Ospina decided to wait no more, rushing the paperwork required to become a citizen.

“Trump is dividing us as a country,” said Ospina, owner of a small flooring and kitchen remodeling company. “He’s so negative about immigrants. We’ve got to speak up.”

Nationwide, immigrants like Ospina are among tens of thousands applying for naturalization in a year when immigration has taken center stage in the presidential campaign, especially in the race for the Republican nomination.

Trump, the GOP front-runner, has pledged to deport the estimated 11 million people living in the U.S. illegally. He’s also vowed to bar Muslims from entering the country and threatened to cut off remittances that Mexican immigrants in the U.S. send back home. And he’s called for building a border wall — among other proposals to deal with unlawful immigration, saying the federal government has failed to protect the border from people and drugs illegally entering the country.–election.html

Doug Casey: Why Do We Need Government


Rousseau was perhaps the first to popularize the fiction now taught in civics classes about how government was created. It holds that men sat down together and rationally thought out the concept of government as a solution to problems that confronted them. The government of the United States was, however, the first to be formed in any way remotely like Rousseau’s ideal. Even then, it had far from universal support from the three million colonials whom it claimed to represent. The U.S. government, after all, grew out of an illegal conspiracy to overthrow and replace the existing government.

There’s no question that the result was, by an order of magnitude, the best blueprint for a government that had yet been conceived. Most of America’s Founding Fathers believed the main purpose of government was to protect its subjects from the initiation of violence from any source; government itself prominently included. That made the U.S. government almost unique in history. And it was that concept – not natural resources, the ethnic composition of American immigrants, or luck – that turned America into the paragon it became.


Illegal immigrant families crossing border at record pace in 2016


Illegal immigrant families are streaming across the border at record pace, according to new Border Patrol statistics released Friday morning that show more than 32,000 have been caught trying to sneak into the U.S.

That’s nearly 40 percent higher than the previous record of 2014, and it’s well more than double last year’s pace, suggesting that the government’s relaxed enforcement policies have backfired and invited a new wave of illegal crossers.



That’s nearly 40 percent higher than the previous record of 2014, and it’s well more than double last year’s pace, suggesting that the government’s relaxed enforcement policies have backfired and invited a new wave of illegal crossers.

There’s somewhat better news when it comes to children traveling alone. The record pace has slackened slightly — though an uptick in March suggests that the warmer months could once again see a massive wave at the southwest border.

Trump Warned Brussels Was an Islamist “Hellhole”


Dozens of people were killed and many more injured after attacks at Brussels international airport and a city metro station.

The attacks were as predictable as they were tragic. Brussels is the jihadist capital of Europe, having supplied the highest number of foreign fighters per capita in Iraq and Syria.

Radicalized Muslim ghettos like Molenbeek serve as breeding grounds for Islamic terrorism, with Paris massacre culprit Salah Abdeslam having been able to hide in and around the area for four months with the help of “friends and neighbors,” proving once again that many Muslims are sympathetic to jihadist sentiment.

Republican front runner Donald Trump identified Brussels as a jihadist hotbed back in January, but he was criticized for ‘insulting’ the Belgian capital by numerous media outlets and pundits.

Asked by Fox Business Network anchor Maria Bartiromo about his plan to put a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States, Trump cited Brussels as an example of how the failure of immigrants to assimilate was ruining Europe.

“There is something going on, Maria,” he said. “Go to Brussels. Go to Paris. Go to different places. There is something going on and it’s not good, where they want Shariah law, where they want this, where they want things that — you know, there has to be some assimilation. There is no assimilation. There is something bad going on.”


The ‘Fascist’ left in America


It’s hard to find a self-respecting liberal these days who doesn’t denounce Donald Trump as “a fascist.” if you Google “fascist” the first thing that pops on the screen is a photo of Mr. Trump.

Those in the media or the university professors or Democratic pundits who don’t call him a fascist resort to over-the-top sneering terms like “racist,” “repellent,” and even “Nazi.” After Mr. Trump’s call for a moratorium on Muslim immigration, here were a few of the choice words for those tolerant people on the left:

“He is running for president as a fascist demagogue.” – Martin O’Malley, Democratic presidential candidate.

Trump literally wants to write racism into our law books” — Huma Abedin, aide to Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton.

“It is … entirely fair to call him a mendacious racist.” – Ben Smith, editor-in-chief, Buzzfeed.

“America’s modern Mussolini.” -Dana Milbank, The Washington Post.

Trump is a proto-fascist, rather than an actual fascist. He has many ideas that are fascistic in nature . CNN.

At the end of this sneering commentary, CNN launched into a fascinating tutorial on what a Fascist is. Here are several key characteristics of a fascist leader according to CNN:

• “The superiority of the leader’s instincts over abstract and universal reason.”

• “The belief of one group that it is the victim, justifying any action.”

• “The need for authority by natural leaders (always male) culminating in a national chief who alone is capable of incarnating the group’s destiny.”

Wait a minute. What modern politician best fits this description? Could it be … Barack Obama. The Messiah. The chosen one. The man who holds political rallies with gothic columns in giant amphitheaters who enters the stage as if he were a Greek god? The greatest demagogue of modern times, who convinced the vast electorate that they are “victims” and that their key to happiness and prosperity is to take from the rich — people, he says, who have way more wealth than they could possibly need.

President Obama’s whole political success rests on identity politics — of persuading blacks, Hispanics, Jews, women, the disabled, gays, students, the poor, immigrants, that they are victims of a vast American government conspiracy against them.