Trump campaign shrinks Lewandowski’s role


In public, Donald Trump is standing behind embattled campaign manager Corey Lewandowski as he faces battery charges for grabbing a reporter. But behind the scenes, Lewandowski’s role in the campaign is shrinking.

In early March, Lewandowski ceded authority over many hiring decisions to a lower-ranking staffer. In recent days, the campaign’s press office has been overruling his decisions about issuing credentials for campaign events. Going forward, Trump’s just-named convention manager, Paul Manafort, is expected to take a leading role not just in the selection of delegates, but in the remaining primaries themselves, according to three people on or close to the campaign.


Donald Trump: Comparing my campaign pledge to a Nazi salute is ‘ridiculous’


“Honestly, until this phone call, I didn’t realize it was a problem,” the Republican front-runner said Tuesday in a live interview on TODAY.

Trump claimed the crowds simply were “having a good time” and even demanded he lead them in the pledge.

“If it’s offensive, if there’s anything wrong with it, I wouldn’t do it,” he said.

Over the weekend, Trump urged supporters at a rally in Orlando to raise their right hand and repeat a pledge to vote for him. Despite critics comparing the scene to one of Nazi rallies, Trump repeated the effort at two more rallies days later.


Cruz Campaign Running Out Of Cash


Senator Ted Cruz won a hard-fought partial victory in Texas during last night’s Super Tuesday primary battle. It was the culmination of months of time and money spent meant to culminate in a clear post-Super Tuesday lead in the race to the GOP nomination this summer. The southern states were to be Cruz’s ticket to the White House.

For Cruz, that ticket never arrived. The Texas senator remains well behind Donald Trump in the delegate count, and now rumors are swirling of a campaign that has spent almost as much money as did the already-departed Jeb Bush fiasco, with little more to show for it – and that money is said to now be running out.


Campaign coverage swamps Gitmo news

When President Obama offered a nine-page plan to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay on Tuesday, he was met with political outrage — and media clearly distracted by the campaign to choose his successor.

On this day, at least, Guantanamo was captive to the latest news of Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and John Kasich. Even Spike Lee endorsing Sanders seemed to get more traction within several hours.

For sure, Guantanamo may go down in history as one of the most unseemly American actions ever — morally corrosive and, as Obama and others maintain, a recruiting spur for terrorists. But, for now, it clearly takes a backseat to the campaign, generating scant public attention and fleeting interest by the press.

On CNN, one found solid initial discussion of the move but the omnipresent graphic reminders in the bottom right corner when it comes to the overriding coverage priorities: “CNN Republican President Debate 2 Days” and “Democratic Presidential Town Hall 6:30:14.”

“SUPER TUESDAY ROAD TRIP STARTING TOMORROW AT 1 P.M.” flashed MSNBC with a giant image of reporter-anchor Chris Jansing, who plans to hit seven states in seven days.

Over at Fox News, the hard-to-avoid boxes reminded: “4 days to SC Democratic Primary,” “7 Days to Super Tuesday,” “Nevada Caucus Doors Close 10 H 28 M 22 S.”

But there was some discussion of a very sober subject, which in the aftermath included a firm grasp of the obvious: Obama will get nowhere in Congress in changing relevant laws and closing the prison.

“The politics are tough,” said CNN’s ever-reliable Pentagon correspondent, Barbara Starr. The Defense Department is not likely to spend money to transfer detainees to the U.S., which is prohibited by law now, anyway. And it maintains that some sort of new facility to hold them would have to be built in the U.S., which underscores the confounding essence of the whole matter, given how much space there is readily available in existing federal facilities.

Other graphics underscored the melancholy realities that exist 15 years after the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, which inspired the prison. Those include 34 men cleared for transfer to another country, 10 expected to at some point undergo military tribunals and 47 others who could now be sent home or to another country. In all, CNN and the others underscored, more than 700 detainees have been held since it opened in 2002, with at least seven dying while in custody.

GOP candidates keep warning of an EMP attack. Here’s what that is.


What do the James Bond film “A View To A Kill,” the dystopian John Carpenter flick “Escape from L.A.,” and the grisly, made-for-TV movie “The Day After” have in common with the battle for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination? All have raised, to varying degrees, the possibility that an enemy of America could unleash a devastating electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack that would fry U.S. electronics.

Last week, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush became the latest GOP White House hopeful to express his concerns about what he called the “scary as crap” possibility of an EMP strike on the U.S.

In an interview with Politico, Bush described a back-and-forth on the subject with a woman at a town hall-style meeting in Concord, N.H.

“She said, ‘I’m worried about EMPs. Are you?’” he recalled in the interview. “I had just read an article about electromagnetic pulse and [how it could] take out the grid. It’s scary as crap. It’s one of the scariest things that could happen.”

It’s not often you hear a presidential candidate describe something as “scary as crap.” Not in public, anyway. But Bush is hardly the first 2016 hopeful to declare himself worried about EMPs — Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, former neurosurgeon Ben Carson, former senator Rick Santorum and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee have all weighed in.

Ben Carson campaign releases strange statement denying he’s pulling the plug, saying he’s going home to ‘get a fresh set of clothes


Ben Carson’s campaign on Monday night released a statement denying that the retired neurosurgeon was suspending his bid for the Republican presidential nomination.

Carson’s communication director, Larry Ross, said in the statement that Carson was leaving Iowa, where the nation’s first caucuses were held on Monday night, early to go home and “get a fresh set of clothes.”

Top Carson campaign staffers resign

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson’s campaign was shaken up Thursday by the resignation of three of his most senior staffers — as the former neurosurgeon sees a drop in poll numbers and is raking in more donations than his GOP rivals.

Communications Director Doug Watts told Fox News in a statement that he and campaign manager Barry Bennett had resigned from the campaign.

“Barry Bennett and I have resigned from the Carson campaign effective immediately,” Watts said. “We respect the candidate and we have enjoyed helping him go from far back in the field to top-tier status.”



Communications Director Doug Watts told Fox News in a statement that he and campaign manager Barry Bennett had resigned from the campaign.

“Barry Bennett and I have resigned from the Carson campaign effective immediately,” Watts said. “We respect the candidate and we have enjoyed helping him go from far back in the field to top-tier status.”

Top Carson campaign staffers resign


ben-carson (3)

In an another sign that Carson’s campaign is struggling, Campaign Manager Barry Bennett and Communications Director Doug Watts have resigned amid the one-time top-tier candidate’s dropping poll numbers.

“Barry Bennett and I have resigned from the Carson campaign effective immediately,” Watts said in a statement. “We respect the candidate and we have enjoyed helping him go from far back in the field to top tier status. Having just announced raising $23m(illion) for the 4th Q(uarter), more than any other Republican candidate, and passing 1 million contributions and over 600 mm unique donors since March, we are proud of our efforts for Dr Carson and we wish him and his campaign the best of luck.”

Two of Ben Carson’s Top Aides Quit Campaign



They wound up spending zero for the rest of 2015.

That is about to change. Sources in the Trump camp say they will soon launch a major ad blitz that could cost at least $2 million a week, and possibly several times that.

The initial wave of ads will focus on Trump’s vision and his stance on key issues—no bio spots necessary for the celebrity candidate—but that could change if any GOP rivals target him with negative commercials. “If you attack Trump, he will attack you 10 times as hard,” an adviser says. “We will not allow any attack to go unanswered.”

Trump Plots Big TV Ad Blitz that Could Change Campaign Landscape