Gates calls for more veterans’ choice at VA


Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates called for further expansion of a program at the Department of Veterans Affairs that allows veterans to seek healthcare outside the broken government system.

“Why wouldn’t you go into VA and basically say, until we get it fixed, I want the authority for every veteran to be able — if he can’t get an appointment with a physician within two weeks at a VA hospital, why can’t he go to a private physician and have the government pay for that?” Gates said during an appearance Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

Robert Gates: US Needs Cold War-Type Strategy for Mideast

4f51be7b-1e5b-47c6-a30f-d280569a4070 The United States needs a “long-range game plan” in the Middle East similar to the Cold War because the Obama administration is “thinking strictly in month-to-month terms,” former Defense Secretary Robert Gates told Congress on Wednesday.

“We face a generation of conflict in the Middle East,” Gates, who served from 2006 to 2011, told the Senate Armed Services Committee, The Daily Caller reports. He was questioned by Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama.

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robert-gates We face a generation of conflict in the Middle East,” Gates, who served from 2006 to 2011, told the Senate Armed Services Committee, The Daily Caller reports. He was questioned by Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama.

“We have four, at least four, conflicts going on simultaneously,” he said. “Shia Islam led by Iran versus Sunni Islam led by Saudi Arabia: reformers versus authoritarians, Islamists versus secularists.

“Then, the question of whether these artificially-created countries — Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria — comprised by historically adversarial ethnic and religious groups can hold together at all,” Gates added.