Ohio Attorney General: Fetuses from Planned Parenthood sent to landfill

ndication that Planned Parenthood affiliates in Ohio are selling fetal tissue, but the investigation did reveal that aborted fetuses were disposed in landfills.

DeWine said he has referred his findings to the Ohio Department of Health for further action.

Planned Parenthood Ohio President and Chief Executive Officer Stephanie Kight denied DeWine’s charges.

“This is not true,” Kight said in a prepared statement. “Planned Parenthood contracts with vendors to handle fetal tissue in a respectful manner and in according with the law. It is irresponsible for the attorney general to say otherwise.”

Ohio Right to Life President Mike Gonidakis said his organization is “disturbed and heartsick over the attorney general’s findings,” according to media reports.

Gonidakis said the group is working with three Republican lawmakers – state Reps. Kyle Koehler of Springfield and Robert McColley of Napoleon, and Sen. Joe Uecker of Miami Twp. – to make improper disposal a first-degree misdemeanor, add more oversight for humane burial an cremation and require providers to inform women seeking an abortion about disposal of the fetus remains.




DeWine said he has referred his findings to the Ohio Department of Health for further action.

The investigation focused on three facilities: Bedford Heights, Cincinnati and Columbus. DeWine launched the investigation to determine whether the facilities were selling fetal tissue, or abortion trafficking, in violation of Ohio law.

While the investigation did not find that fetal tissue was sold by any of the Planned Parenthood affiliates, the disposal methods used violate Ohio Administrative Code 3701-47-05, adopted in 1975, which requires that a “fetus shall be disposed of in a humane manner,” DeWine said.

Aborted Fetuses Brought to Ohio landfills

The US is Heading Toward More Open-Ended War With No Coherent Mission


Don’t look now, but a new network of military bases isn’t the only new and potentially indefinite entanglement the US looks ready to commit to. Following Turkey’s shoot-down of a Russian fighter jet, for crossing into Turkey’s airspace from Syria for 17 seconds, the National Interest reports that “the United States and Turkey are working on an agreement that would allow the U.S. Air Force F-15Cs to defend Turkish airspace.”

It’s no secret that the US and Russia are at odds over a number issues, not least of which are Russia’s support of the Assad regime in Syria and the bombing of US-backed Syrian rebel groups.

For its part, Turkey has quietly moved armored tank divisions and battalions of troops into Northern Iraq (against the wishes of the Iraqi government) and has been bombing the Kurds, perhaps our most loyal and effective ally in the region in battling ISIS. Yes, Turkey is a NATO ally, but what good is an ally if they’re picking fights with behemoths like Russia and bombing the only group who’s been able to seize significant swaths of land back from ISIS?




Details are vague and thus far the White House has not commented on the plan, but officials told the Times the bases could be manned by anywhere from 500 to 5,000 US troops at a time. They also claim that upgrading existing bases and establishing new hubs in the Middle East and Africa would only cost in the “low millions of dollars.”

The US is Heading Toward More Open-Ended War With No Coherent Mission


Probe intensifies in California shooting case as poll shows safety concerns


Investigators searched for motives and evidence in the case of a California couple who killed 14 people at a holiday Christmas party, while a poll released on Friday showed Americans are losing faith in the U.S. government’s ability to protect them from militant attacks.

A Gallup poll of 1,013 adults conducted on Tuesday and Wednesday showed 55 percent of respondents had a “fair amount” or “great deal” of confidence that authorities could prevent further attacks, a 12-point drop from June.

Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, 29, committed what the Federal Bureau of Investigation has called an act of terror when they opened fire on the party in San Bernardino on Dec. 2. Twenty-one people were also wounded.




A Gallup poll of 1,013 adults conducted on Tuesday and Wednesday showed 55 percent of respondents had a “fair amount” or “great deal” of confidence that authorities could prevent further attacks, a 12-point drop from June.

Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, 29, committed what the Federal Bureau of Investigation has called an act of terror when they opened fire on the party in San Bernardino on Dec. 2. Twenty-one people were also wounded.

Probe intensifies in California shooting case as poll shows safety concerns

Respecting Sovereignty? Iraq Wants UN to Intervene in Turkish Troop Saga


After hundreds of Turkish troops filed into northern Iraq last week, Baghdad was quick to call foul. Viewing the move as a breach of its national sovereignty, Iraq gave a 48-hour deadline for the complete withdrawal of Turkey’s forces.

That deadline came and went without any reaction from Ankara, which insists that the troops are essential to defend trainers at a military base in the region.

Baghdad is now making good on its backup plan: an appeal to the UN Security Council.

Read more: http://sputniknews.com/middleeast/20151211/1031620208/iraq-un-security-council.html#ixzz3u4LDXTRo