Tax to help fight ISIS while we simultaneously fund them

Alex Jones discusses a clip where a democrat proposed a new tax to help “fight ISIS”.

Democrat Proposes Funding Both Sides Of War

Sources: World Trade Center Oculus to open in March


The white-marble main concourse at the Santiago Calatrava-designed, $4 billion World Trade Center Transportation Hub has been slated to open in early March, according to two knowledgeable sources.

The opening of the Oculus at the PATH train station — a steel-winged structure that’s meant to evoke a bird — will mark the end of a more than decade-long process, one that has garnered scathing criticism for the project’s cost overruns, and which damaged the designer’s reputation.

The temporary PATH train station at the site now serves some 44,000 passengers making their way to and from New Jersey. The Port Authority, which made the decision on the timing of the Oculus opening, estimates the new hub will ultimately serve some 200,000 passengers and visitors. (By way of comparison, Penn Station serves 600,000.)