Global warming is making weather BETTER: 80 per cent of Americans are benefiting from nicer conditions than 40 years ago


This is one of the reasons it has been difficult to motivate US citizens to tackle global warming, the authors of the new study have said.

‘Weather patterns in recent decades have been a poor source of motivation for Americans to demand policies to combat the climate change problem,’ said Professor Megan Mullin from Duke University, co-author of the study.

‘But without serious efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, year-round climates ultimately will become much less pleasant.’

Professor Mullin and Professor Patrick Egan from New York University studied 40 years of daily weather data, from 1974 to 2013, on a county-by-county basis to evaluate how the population’s experience with weather changed during this period, which is when climate change first emerged as a public issue.

Author: allthenews

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