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Monsanto can “see the logic” of combining with the German corporation, and believes the merger could get the required approval from regulators, sources familiar with the talks told Reuters. However, the St. Louis, Missouri-based company believes its shareholders deserve a better offer.

“The deal will allow Bayer to tap growing demand at a time when farmers must boost food productivity to feed an estimated 10 billion people worldwide by the year 2050,” RT America’s Ashlee Banks said, adding that Bayer CEO Werner Baumann hopes that this rationale will win over skeptical investors and overcome anti-GMO backlash.


Clinton declines to debate Sanders ahead of California primary

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“I hope Secretary Clinton reconsiders her unfortunate decision to back away from her commitment to debate,” Sanders added.

The Vermont senator also said that Clinton shouldn’t be so presumptive about the status as the Democratic, noting his string of recent victories in the states of West Virginia, Indiana and Oregon.

During a rally at a high school in Santa Monica, California, Sanders said that Clinton refusing to debate was a snub to the people of California.

“I think it’s a little insulting to the people of California – the largest state,” Sanders said at a rally in Santa Monica, California.“She is not prepared to have a discussion with me about how she is going to help California address the major crises we face.”

 “I also would suggest that Secretary Clinton may want to be not quite so presumptuous about thinking that she is a certain winner,” Sanders added, noting his victories in several recent primaries.



The Clinton campaign said Monday that it will not participate in a Fox News debate that Sanders had agreed to, saying that the focus has shifted to battling the Republican nominee in the general election, who is presumed to be Donald Trump.

“As we have said previously, we plan to compete hard in the remaining primary states, particularly California, while turning our attention to the threat a Donald Trump presidency poses,” Jennifer Palmieri, Clinton’s spokeswoman, said. “We believe that Hillary Clinton’s time is best spent campaigning and meeting directly with voters across California and preparing for a general election campaign that will ensure the White House remains in Democratic hands.”


Hillary Clinton Could Topple Obama’s Record for Revving Gun Sales

Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton Holds Connecticut Campaign Rally

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has struggled with her party’s liberal base during the primary season, as Senator Bernie Sanders and his supporters insist she’s too cozy with Wall Street, resent her 2002 vote to invade Iraq, and criticize the overlap between her family foundation’s donors and some of the corporations doing business in Washington.

But for conservatives, there are plenty of issues—including their own uncompromising stand to protect access to firearms—on which Clinton is viewed not just as an extension of incumbent President Barack Obama, but as even more liberal.

“President Obama has made clear his contempt for the Second Amendment,” Chris Cox, head of the National Rifle Association’s lobbying arm, told Bloomberg Politics. “Hillary Clinton would take that to the next level.”

While Obama has sought to restrict access to firearms, his presidency has helped swell the NRA’s membership rolls and spark record revenues for gun companies. Now, some in the industry think Clinton would be an even better gun “salesman” than Obama.

“Barack Obama is single handily responsible for the sales of more guns and ammo than any human being in the history of the United States,” said Richard Feldman, a former NRA political organizer. “Clinton could do better.”

The White House issued a series of executive actions in January aimed at reducing gun violence, after Obama was unable to convince Congress to pass new legislation in the wake of the shooting deaths of 12 moviegoers in Aurora, Colorado, in July 2012, and, five months later, 26 children and adults at Connecticut’s Sandy Hook Elementary School.



But for conservatives, there are plenty of issues—including their own uncompromising stand to protect access to firearms—on which Clinton is viewed not just as an extension of incumbent President Barack Obama, but as even more liberal.

“President Obama has made clear his contempt for the Second Amendment,” Chris Cox, head of the National Rifle Association’s lobbying arm, told Bloomberg Politics. “Hillary Clinton would take that to the next level.”

While Obama has sought to restrict access to firearms, his presidency has helped swell the NRA’s membership rolls and spark record revenues for gun companies. Now, some in the industry think Clinton would be an even better gun “salesman” than Obama.

CDC Official Says Thousands May Have Arrived in US With Zika

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Federal health officials today said they believe thousands of people may have contracted the Zika virus before returning to the U.S. and they remain concerned that the virus might commence ongoing transmission in the U.S.

Speaking at a panel at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Dr. Anne Schuchat, the principal deputy director at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said the Zika virus remains “pretty concerning” for experts as they learn how it affects pregnant women.

“The reality is one bite, and if you’re pregnant, your baby might be harmed,” Schuchat said at the panel today. “That’s a phenomenal problem.”

Common symptoms of Zika infection include fever, rash, joint pain and conjunctivitis, according to the CDC. Approximately 1 in 5 people infected with the virus shows symptoms. Severe complications from Zika infection that require hospitalization are rare, according to the CDC.

The virus has been linked to the serious birth defect microcephaly, which is characterized by a malformed or smaller head and brain and can result in serious developmental delays.

At today’s panel, government health officials said they are concerned about local transmission of Zika if travelers spread the virus to mosquitoes in the U.S., which can then infect other people who have not traveled to countries with Zika epidemics.




Speaking at a panel at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Dr. Anne Schuchat, the principal deputy director at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said the Zika virus remains “pretty concerning” for experts as they learn how it affects pregnant women.

“The reality is one bite, and if you’re pregnant, your baby might be harmed,” Schuchat said at the panel today. “That’s a phenomenal problem.”

Common symptoms of Zika infection include fever, rash, joint pain and conjunctivitis, according to the CDC. Approximately 1 in 5 people infected with the virus shows symptoms. Severe complications from Zika infection that require hospitalization are rare, according to the CDC.

‘There isn’t even a whole head. The logical explanation is an explosion’: Forensic chief says 80 body parts retrieved from MS804 suggest blast downed plane


Human remains retrieved from the EgyptAir 804 crash site point to an explosion on board, an Egyptian forensic official said today.

The official is part of the investigation team that has personally examined the body parts taken to a Cairo morgue.
He said all 80 pieces brought to the capital so far were small and that ‘there isn’t even a whole body part, like an arm or a head’.


