Florida Governor Rick Scott Embarrasses Himself, And America, On National TV


Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) just gave one of the more painful television interviews in recent memory — and, in the process, offered a case study in why Donald Trump’s rhetoric about Muslims is so dangerous.

The interview took place on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” and it began innocuously enough, with hosts Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough asking Scott whether he planned to endorse a candidate for next Tuesday’s Republican primary in the state.

Then Scarborough asked Scott about a major news item: Donald Trump’s statement during an interview with CNN Wednesday night that “I think Islam hates us.

Scarborough wanted to know whether Scott agreed with that sentiment. Scott dodged the question, saying that Florida is “the best melting pot in the world” but noting that he wanted to stop allowing Syrian refugees in Florida until they could get better security vetting.

Scarborough pressed him. Fine, he said, the vetting of refugees is a fair subject for debate. But what about Trump’s statement?

“I’m just asking generally, do you think that Muslims hate Americans? That Islam hates America, as Donald Trump said last night?” Scarborough asked.


Tags: Rick Scott, Donald Trump, Islam, Muslim, Morning Joe