The dark web is stronger than ever showing Ross Ulbricht’s prison sentence did nothing to deter crime

704560-2bd1c9a4-4ae0-11e5-ba64-b40512aab75c This was the message from Judge Katherine Forrest when she sentenced the mastermind behind Silk Road, Ross Ulbricht, to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

It was hoped the harsh sentence handed down to Ulbricht would act as a stern warning to dark web operators looking to follow in his footsteps.

However, it appears the threat feel on deaf ears because the underground online drug trade is as strong as ever.

This is according to a new study out of Carnegie Mellon University examining online drug marketplaces located on the dark web.

The brazen study saw Nicholas Christin and Kyle Soska use automated software to extract and harvest information from 35 dark web markets.