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The study by the University of Münster titled “Integration and Religion from the viewpoint of the Turkish Germans in Germany” outline some deep divisions within the German society as 47 percent of ethnic Turks living in the country said that following religious dogmas was “more important” to them than obeying “the laws of the land in which I live,” particularly if the two were incompatible. Moreover, 32 percent from those questioned said they yearn to live in the society of the times of the Prophet Mohammed.

The results, gathered by surveying over 1,200 people, came as a surprise for the researchers from one of the biggest German universities. Detlef Pollack, spokesman for the “Religion and Politics”Excellence Cluster said that the authors “didn’t expect that,”Deutsche Welle reported.




The trove of “letters, memos, a draft speech and other materials… are set for release in July” by the National Archives and Records Administration unless President Obama or former President George W. Bush object, reports Politico.

“Additional records include vetting materials, emails related to scheduled events, a phone message, a press briefing on Turkey, a register of Frederick Law Olmsted’s papers at the Library of Congress, requests for comments from the press, and a request for Vice President Richard B. Cheney to attend William F. Buckley’s memorial service,” the FOIA states.

Founded in 1832, the secret society has been a gateway for the elite and boasts three US presidents, with other members taking up prominent roles in state and federal governments, the intelligence community, academia, industry and finance.

In 2004, for instance, both Democrat and Republican presidential candidates, John F. Kerry and George W. Bush, were members of the Yale fraternity. George W’s father, George H.W. Bush, and his grandfather, Prescott Bush, were also members.




In a joint piece for The Atlantic magazine, Biddle, an adjunct senior fellow for defense policy at the Council on Foreign Relations, and Shapiro, professor of politics and international affairs at Princeton, lay out why the war against the jihadist group isn’t likely to end in the neat and clean way that American officials might have hoped it would.

“We have a lot of evidence on wars like this and how they typically end. But it’s not a very encouraging story. The Islamic State threat is likely to persist, in one form or another, for a long time. In the meantime, we’re going to be stuck with a policy that amounts to containment and damage limitation, whose shortcomings will frustrate many Americans,” the experts note.

The reason for this, they suggest, stems from the nature of the war: “Civil wars of the kind in which the US conflict with the Islamic State is embedded are notoriously hard to terminate and typically drag on for years. Datasets vary slightly, but most put the median duration of such conflicts at seven to 10 years; and an important minority drag on for a generation or more.””When they do end, it’s rarely because an empowered, victorious army marches into the enemy capital, pulls down the flag, and governs a newly stable society.”



Indiana Governor Signs Bill Banning Abortions of Down Syndrome Babies


Every life has value. Every life is a gift.”

Carissa Carroll, a mother of a toddler with Down syndrome, told The Daily Signal she supports legislation in Indiana, signed Thursday by Republican Gov. Mike Pence, that put a statewide ban on aborting babies due to genetic causes like Down syndrome.

“Our son has changed our life for the better,” Caroll said. “Although we were shocked by the diagnosis of Down syndrome, we really are so thankful for who Jack is and how he has made us see our lives in a much more beautiful way.”

Indiana’s new law prevents a person from performing an abortion if he knows the pregnant woman wishes to abort the unborn baby because of a diagnosis of Down syndrome or any other disability. It also prevents abortions due to the race, color, national origin, ancestry, or sex of the child.


How to take racism out of biology

Race has long been used to explain the relationship between our ancestry and our genes, but a new paper argues it is time to find a better way. Amy Middleton reports.

A powerful paper published this month in the journal Science condemns the use of race as a classification in the genetics, health and medicine, and encourages the use of terms such as “population” and “ancestry” to describe a group of genetically similar humans.

The paper suggests that racial stereotyping in science is no more “scientific” than making assumptions about people based on their race in everyday life.

Stereotyping is neither practical or logical – and nor is it relevant or necessary enough to justify the harm that comes from furthering race-based stigma and prejudice, the paper argues.

“We believe the use of biological concepts of race in human genetic research – so disputed and so mired in confusion – is problematic at best and harmful at worst,” the paper states.


Four Ways to Build a Free Society

deist2 The topic of our symposium this morning is “What Must Be Done,” which originally was the title of a talk given by Dr. Hans-Hermann Hoppe at a Mises Institute conference in 1997. Hoppe posed his title as a declarative, but it’s also the question we all wrestle with as libertarians in a world so dominated by the state and its apologists.

And it’s a question we hear time and time again at the Mises Institute: What can we do to fight back against government? We all understand the problem, but what is the solution? What can we do in the current environment to help build a more sane and libertarian world? And how can we find some measure of freedom in our lives today, to live more freely in our lifetimes?



111215sunriseearth Hoppe posed his title as a declarative, but it’s also the question we all wrestle with as libertarians in a world so dominated by the state and its apologists.

And it’s a question we hear time and time again at the Mises Institute: What can we do to fight back against government? We all understand the problem, but what is the solution? What can we do in the current environment to help build a more sane and libertarian world? And how can we find some measure of freedom in our lives today, to live more freely in our lifetimes?




The Pentagon is moving the headquarters for the North American Aerospace Defense Command (Norad) back into Cheyenne Mountain near Colorado Springs, Colo., a decade after having largely vacated the site.

Why the return? Because the enormous bunker in the hollowed-out mountain, built to survive a Cold War-era nuclear conflict, can also resist an electromagnetic-pulse attack, or EMP. America’s military planners recognize the growing threat from an EMP attack by bad actors around the world, in particular North Korea and Iran.

An EMP strike, most likely from the detonation of a nuclear weapon in space, would destroy unprotected military and civilian electronics nationwide, blacking out the electric grid and other critical infrastructure for months or years. The staggering human cost of such a catastrophic attack is not difficult to imagine.

For years, most experts have assumed that an EMP attack would be conducted by exploding at least one nuclear weapon high up in our atmosphere.  And that could definitely happen someday.  But now governments all over the world are working on other ways to deliver an EMP strike, and many of them do not involve nuclear weapons at all.

The U.S. government is among those that have been doing this kind of research.  The U.S. Air Force now reportedly has the capability to conduct an EMP assault against individual buildings or power stations.  The following comes from the Daily Mail

For years, scientists have been attempting to create such a weapon as part of Champ, or the Counter-electronics High-powered microwave Advanced Missile Project.

Now, the US Air Force claims it has advanced the technology, and says it can deploy it using the stealthy Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile-Extended Range (JASSM).

There are fears a well targeted attack could knock out multiple power stations.

‘This technology marks a new era in modern-day warfare,’ said Keith Coleman, CHAMP program manager for Boeing Phantom Works.
