
So… this is the current “About” section of Mitt Romney’s Facebook page,” tweeted NBC Nightly News editor Bradd Jaffy, alongside a screenshot of Romney’s official Facebook profile page.

The bio states that Romney is “currently running for President of the United States, Republican.”

That sparked interest because there is speculation Romney has re-inserted himself into campaign politics over the last couple of weeks because the GOP establishment is preparing to run him against Trump if Marco Rubio fails to win in Florida.

“I think that there is a relatively strong chance that the establishment tries to find an opening for Mitt Romney to run,” political consultant John Yobtold CBS News.

“The establishment will pull out every trick in the book to stop Donald Trump and one of those tricks will be trying to get Mitt Romney to run.”

Even though Romney would stand a slim chance of beating Trump’s delegate count, he could emerge victorious in a brokered convention or even run third party to siphon votes away from The Donald.

The Facebook entry was quickly changed after the screenshot circulated on social media.




In the wake of Donald Trump’s Super Tuesday victories and the continued success of his campaign, you’ve likely seen all sorts of reactions on your Facebook and Twitter feeds (depending on what kinds of social-media friends you have, insert your own adjectives in front of “reactions” accordingly). And it’s not just people you went to high school with and haven’t spoken to in a decade who are speaking out about Trump; if you follow Miley Cyrus on Instagram, you have learned this week that she has very strong feelings about the candidate, as well.

UN rights chief welcomes US President’s plan to close Guantánamo detention facility

UN UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Interviewed by DPI

The United Nations human rights chief today welcomed United States President Barack Obama’s plan to close the Guantánamo Bay detention facility in Cuba, expressing hope that “no further obstacles are placed in the way of its implementation.”

The Guantánamo regime has been a serious blot on the human rights record, and reputation, of the United States for the past 14 years, High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein said in a statement.

Mr. Obama presented the plan to the Congress today. According to media reports, the plan seeks the transfer of between 30 and 60 detainees to US soil, and suggests several possible locations in South Carolina, Kansas and Colorado. The rest of the 91 detainees at the prison could be sent to other countries.

Noting that it has been cited by many repressive Governments as justification for their own actions, Mr. Zeid stressed that it is vital that the implementation of the plan results in no one remaining in indefinite detention without charge or trial.

“All Guantánamo detainees should either be transferred to regular detention centres in the US mainland or other countries where fair trials before civilian courts and due process guarantees can be provided in accordance with international norms and standards,” he said. “If there is insufficient evidence to charge them with any crime, they must be released to their home country or to a third country if they risk persecution at home,” he added.