Roman holiday! Ivanka and Jared smile and wave at the crowds as they arrive at the Pantheon for closed-door tour – but are BOOED as their motorcade leaves


Wearing matching blue and white ensembles, Ivanka and Jared were able to stroll through the Pantheon free from any disturbances, accompanied by a team of security guards who kept a watchful eye over them as they made their way around the popular tourist spot.

Ivanka looked radiant in a navy blouse featuring a white collar and cuffs, which she paired with a billowy white skirt that grazed her ankles.
She accessorized her look with navy pumps, sunglasses, and a white hand bag that she wore over her shoulder.

Meanwhile, Jared looked relaxed in a button-down shirt, navy trousers, and a pair of white walking sneakers.

The couple were greeted by a swarm of people when they arrived at the Pantheon by car, with videos captured by some of the many bystanders showing the couple walking past enormous crowds, who were kept far back from the normally-crowded site by police and barriers.

Clearly eager to ensure that the VIP couple had the best possible experience during their tour around the Pantheon, a team of security guards kept a watchful eye over them as they enjoyed a leisurely stroll around the tourist site.

However their presence at the site clearly cause some ire among many of the waiting people, who booed the couple as they left the site in a large SUV. Video captured at the site shows dozens of people voicing their outrage at Ivanka and Jared as their motorcade left the Pantheon.

According to a local newspaper, there was a delay in the First Daughter’s departure due to an unknown security issue with the car, which meant the motorcade remained in place outside the site for longer than intended.


Donald Trump backs Brexit and risks a new fight with David Cameron as he reveals plans to turn his controversial White House run into a Hollywood movie

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Mr Cameron has insisted he will not comment further on the US election despite his earlier intervention while Mr Trump was a rank outsider in the race.

Mr Trump previously said he would be tempted by Brexit if he was a British voter but today went further in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter.

Asked whether he would back Brexit, Mr Trump appeared confused by the term before adding: ‘Oh yeah, I think they should leave.’

The tycoon also announced he would be visiting Britain later this month – the day after the referendum to open his new golf course in Scotland.


‘There isn’t even a whole head. The logical explanation is an explosion’: Forensic chief says 80 body parts retrieved from MS804 suggest blast downed plane


Human remains retrieved from the EgyptAir 804 crash site point to an explosion on board, an Egyptian forensic official said today.

The official is part of the investigation team that has personally examined the body parts taken to a Cairo morgue.
He said all 80 pieces brought to the capital so far were small and that ‘there isn’t even a whole body part, like an arm or a head’.




Al Gore refuses to endorse Hillary Clinton despite her campaign asking for his support saying he will back whoever becomes the Democratic nominee


Al Gore is refusing to endorse Hillary Clinton for president until she wins the Democratic nomination.

The former vice president has stated many times in the past that it was too early to endorse Clinton or her rival Bernie Sanders, but revealed on Today Monday morning that he will not back either candidate until they win the primary.

When asked if he had been approached by Clinton or Sanders for an endorsement, Gore said; ‘I’ve gotten signals that you could interpret that way.’

Despite this, and the fact that Bill Clinton endorsed Gore before the start of the 2000 primary when he made a run for the presidency, Gore is not throwing his support behind Clinton or Sanders until they have sewn up a primary victory.

Paris terror suspect Salah Abdeslam is BOOED by radicalised inmates at his prison – because he did not go through with his suicide bombing on


The man accused of being the logistics chief behind the Paris terror attacks was booed by radical Muslim inmates after arriving in jail – because he failed to carry out his suicide bombing.

Salah Abdeslam spent his first night in Fleury-Mérogis prison on Wednesday after being extradited from Belgium.

He was arrested over last November’s attacks in the French capital which claimed 130 lives.

Upon arriving behind bars, the 26-year-old was whistled and jeered by extremist lags enraged by his alleged failure to detonate his suicide vest during the Paris onslaught.

Global warming is making weather BETTER: 80 per cent of Americans are benefiting from nicer conditions than 40 years ago


This is one of the reasons it has been difficult to motivate US citizens to tackle global warming, the authors of the new study have said.

‘Weather patterns in recent decades have been a poor source of motivation for Americans to demand policies to combat the climate change problem,’ said Professor Megan Mullin from Duke University, co-author of the study.

‘But without serious efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, year-round climates ultimately will become much less pleasant.’

Professor Mullin and Professor Patrick Egan from New York University studied 40 years of daily weather data, from 1974 to 2013, on a county-by-county basis to evaluate how the population’s experience with weather changed during this period, which is when climate change first emerged as a public issue.

Human sacrifice played a key role in shaping ancient societies: Brutal butchery of the lower classes created a hierarchy and helped the elite gain power


Human sacrifice may seem brutal and bloody by modern social standards, but it was a common in ancient societies.

Now, researchers believe the ritualised killing of individuals to placate a god played a role in building and sustaining stable communities with social hierarchies.

In particular, a study of 93 cultures across Asia, Oceana and Africa, has found the practices helped establish authority and set up class-based systems.

Human sacrifice was once widespread throughout these Austronesian cultures, which used it as the ultimate punishment, for funerals and to consecrate new boats.

Sacrificial victims were typically of low social status, such as slaves, while instigators were of high social status, such as priests and chiefs, installing a sense of fear in the lower classes.

Since the European colonisation of Central America 500 years ago – when Conquistadors were horrified by the Aztecs’ sacrificial practices – experts have claimed ritualised killings were a form of social catharsis.

They described them as a justification for political conflicts and even a source of protein when combined with cannibalism.

Researchers from the universities of Wellington and Auckland, the Max Plank Institute for the Science of Human History in Germany, the Australian National University and the Allan Wilson Centre for Molecular Ecology and Evolution in New Zealand set out to test the assumption they sanctified authority.

Joseph Watts, lead author of the study, published in Nature, studied the evolutionary family trees of 93 traditional Austronesian societies.


At least FIFTY ISIS supporters are working as baggage handlers, cleaners and catering staff at Brussels airport, claim police


Police at Brussels airport have claimed at least 50 Islamic State supporters are working there as baggage handlers, cleaners and catering staff.

In an astonishing open letter, the officers said they have warned about the terrorist sympathisers whose security badges give them access to planes, but they remain employed.

The airport police, who are threatening to go on strike because of security deficiencies, also said they have raised the issue of terrorists scouting the airport to plan possible attacks.

Ex-CIA director David Petraeus warns UK will be more open to terror threat if Britain leaves the EU


Ex-CIA director David Petraeus warned British voters today that leaving the EU would do nothing to protect them from future terrorist attacks.

In the wake of the Brussels attack last week – the second deadly terrorist atrocity to hit a European capital within five months – the retired four-star US general said it would be the worst time for Britain and the EU if voters opted to leave in June’s referendum.

General Petraeus, who led US and Nato forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, said it would ‘deal a significant blow to the EU’s strength and resilience at exactly the moment when the West is under attack from multiple directions’.

His comments directly contradict his fellow ex-CIA director General Michael Hayden, who said on Friday that Britain’s national security will not be harmed if it leaves the EU.

He said membership of the 28-state bloc ‘in some ways gets in the way of the state providing security for its own citizens’ and dismissed claims by In campaigners that the UK would lose out from shared intelligence if it voted to leave.

And he warned that the UK should not rely on the poor intelligence services of many EU member states such as Belgium, whose authorities failed to stop home-grown terrorists kill 31 people last week.

National security matters have taken an increasingly important role in the EU debate this week following the deadly attacks in Brussels and spy chiefs are split over whether leaving the 28-state bloc would damage or benefit Britain’s national security.

General Hayden is among a number of former spy chiefs, including former Mi6 chief Sir Richard Dearlove, who have backed Britain leaving the EU, insisting it would not damage national security and would bring benefits for Britain’s security agencies

Watch Apple’s iPhone 5se launch live: Firm is set to reveal a £250 4-inch handset, Watch bands and a small iPad Pro at today’s event


People interested in watching the event can tune in on Apple’s official streaming page.

However, the stream will only work on iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with Safari on iOS 7.0 or later, a Mac with Safari 6.0.5 or later on OS X v10.8.5 or later, or a PC with Microsoft Edge on Windows 10.

‘The smaller iPad Pro will start at $599 and include 32 GB of storage, according to sources,’ 9to5mac added.

‘The $599 base configuration is for a WiFi-only model, while higher-priced versions with 128 GB of storage and the ability to connect to LTE cellular networks will also be offered.’

The new handset will be called the iPhone SE, standing for special edition, and will launch alongside the smaller iPad Pro with a 9.7-inch screen, according to 9to5Mac.  

‘Sources say Apple has decided to drop the ‘5’ from the device’s name and simply call it the iPhone SE,’ the site said.

‘This will mark the first iPhone upgrade without a number in its name and would logically remove it from a yearly update cycle.’

The smaller iPad Pro will have nearly identical features and specifications as the bigger model, with a A9X processor and RAM upgrades from the 12.9-inch model, called the Air.

It will also include the 12.9-inch model’s updated display technology to support the controversial Apple Pencil.