Jake Tapper: Mr. Trump You Said “Islam Hates Us” Did You Mean All Muslims?… Trump: I Mean a Whole Lot of Them (VIDEO)


Thursday at the CNN debate Donald Trump was asked about his provocative comments on Islam.

Jake Tapper: Mr. Trump, let me start with you. Last night you told CNN, quote, “Islam hates us.” Did you mean all 1.6 billion Muslims?

Donald Trump: I mean a lot of them. I mean a lot of them.

Jake Tapper: Do you want to clarify the comment at all?

Donald Trump: Well, I’ve been watching the debate today and we’re talking about radical Islamic terrorism or radical Islam. But I will tell you, there’s something going on that maybe you don’t know about, or maybe a lot of other people don’t know about but there’s tremendous hatred and I will stick with exactly what I said to Anderson Cooper.


MSNBC BACKFIRE=> DONALD TRUMP A HERO With Black Supporter at Rally


Black Trump supporter: David Duke and people like that they come out from under the rocks this time this year… It got nothing to do with Donald Trump. We’re all Americans. We need to stop with all this racist stuff. Like me and my friend right here (white guy). We just met today and we gotta stop with the racist stuff.

This wasn’t what MSNBC was hoping for.
They were totally caught with egg on their face as they weren’t expecting a black man to downplay the whole BS issue on David Duke and the KKK.
Via Free Republic:



Chris Rock at Oscars: You’re Damn Right Hollywood Is Racist – It’s Sorority Racist (Video)


Rock told the audience, “You’re damn right Hollywood is racist.”

It’s also 95% liberal.
In fact, it is harder for a conservative to get a job in Hollywood than any black person.
But that does not appear to be an issue.


VIDEO=> Germans Turn on Merkel – Jeer and Boo Chancellor in Neubrandenburg


Generally Chancellor Angela Merkel is only seen with her true supporters on camera in Germany.

So this must have been a surprise.


Trump Bashes FOX at Veterans Fundraiser=> I’m Told, We Have More Cameras Here Than at FOX News Debate (VIDEO)


I have to say FOX has been extremely nice the last couple of hours… Look at all the cameras. It’s like the Academy Awards. It’s the Academy Awards. We’re actually told we have more cameras by quite a bit.”


NEW EMAIL Shows Hillary Willing to Foment Palestinian Uprising for Political Gain



“What will change the situation is a major effort to use non-violent protests and demonstrations to put peace back in the center of people’s aspirations as well as their thoughts, and use that to influence the political leadership,” Pickering wrote.

“This is far from a sure thing, but far, in my humble view, from hopeless,” he continued. “Women can and ought to be at the center of these demonstrations. Many men and others will denigrate the idea. I don’t and I don’t think that was your message.”

Palestinian women, he noted, are less likely than men to resort to violence.

“It must be all and only women. Why? On the Palestinian side the male culture is to use force,” Pickering wrote, comparing the effort to the protests in Egypt that deposed former leader Hosni Mubarak. “Palestinian men will not for long patiently demonstrate — they will be inclined over time and much too soon to be frustrated and use force. Their male culture comes close to requiring it.”

NEW EMAIL Shows Hillary Willing to Foment Palestinian Uprising for Political Gain

IRANIAN PROTESTERS Storm and Torch Saudi Embassy in Tehran After Shiite Cleric’s Execution

Iranian protesters stormed the Saudi Arabian embassy in Tehran Saturday after Riyadh’s execution of prominent Shiite cleric Sheikh al-Nimr.
The angry Shiite protesters ransacked and demolished the Saudi embassy in Tehran.

IRANIAN PROTESTERS Storm and Torch Saudi Embassy in Tehran After Shiite Cleric’s Execution

REPORT: The Obamas Have Spent Over $70 Million Taxpayer Dollars ON VACATIONS


As with the slow-motion releases of Hillary Clinton’s emails, the idea of bureaucratic stalling, of course, is that the details become “old” news more likely to be ignored by media. Fortunately, we’re not on vacation this week, so we can help the president out. Here goes:

The new expense reports, heavily-redacted allegedly for security reasons, push the total known costs for vacations during Obama’s reign to nearly $71 million — with another full year to go. That’s about $10.1 million per year in known expenses.

REPORT: The Obamas Have Spent Over $70 Million Taxpayer Dollars ON VACATIONS

BREAKING: Wisconsin Conservative and US Veteran Considering Primary Run Against Paul Ryan


Paul Ryan – The Bearded Boehner

In mid-December Speaker Ryan passed a trillion dollar budget deal that was widely praised by Barack Obama and Democratic leaders. 

BREAKING: Wisconsin Conservative and US Veteran Considering Primary Run Against Paul Ryan

George Soros: We Should Not Fear Muslim Extremists Just Because They Kill Us


Open societies are always endangered. This is especially true of America and Europe today, as a result of the terrorist attacks in Paris and elsewhere, and the way that America and Europe, particularly France, have reacted to them.

Jihadi terrorist groups such as Islamic State and al-Qaida have discovered the achilles heel of our western societies: the fear of death. Through horrific attacks and macabre videos, the publicists of Isis magnify this fear, leading otherwise sensible people in hitherto open societies to abandon their reason.

Scientists have discovered that emotion is an essential component of human reasoning. That discovery explains why jihadi terrorism poses such a potent threat to our societies: the fear of death leads us and our leaders to think – and then behave – irrationally.

Science merely confirms what experience has long shown: when we are afraid for our lives, emotions take hold of our thoughts and actions, and we find it difficult to make rational judgments.Fear activates an older, more primitive part of the brain than that which formulates and sustains the abstract values and principles of open society. 

NUTS=> George Soros: We Should Not Fear Muslim Extremists Just Because They Kill Us